Wednesday, June 18, through Friday, June 20, 2003

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College
Clifton Forge, Virginia

Backpacking trip to Laurel Fork in Highland County

Wednesday, June 18

What a start! The van got stuck and it took all of our efforts to get it out!

Patrick, John, and Wes made quite a fire for us. Quite a feat given the water-logged wood supply?

Conversation and cards provide our evening entertainment.

"Racetrack caterpillar" kept us entertained by his (her?) wanderings on the rim of Jane's coffee pot.

Thursday, June 19

We're on a salamander hunt on Locust Spring Run Trail.

Mike Hayslett, our "consulting herpetologist", helped us identify the salamanders.

The catch of the day was two spotted salamanders. They matched Nicole's salamander T-shirt.

Watch a movie (3.7 MB) of a red eft walking through the forest. (Requires QuickTime.)

Back in camp for supper and a good night's rest.

Friday, June 20

Miserable rain as we broke camp made for a long, hard slog back up the mountain to the trailhead.

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Updated 6/20/03