Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dabney S. Lancaster Community College
Clifton Forge, Virginia

Vernal Pools and Forestry Plots

It's too nice today to be inside, so we ventured to Douthat State Park.

This year, the vernal pool was covered with duckweed. Usually it's just a dark tea-colored water.

Wading thigh deep with a net to see what's in the water.

And what's the object of our search?


Lots of green frogs (that's a species as well as a description) just begged to be caught! (Of course, we released them after just a few moments.)

Not all the frogs were huge. This one is only a half-inch long.

Dragonflies were also plentiful.

The water levels were so low, we had to go to Wilson Creek to rinse off our gear and ourselves.

We finished the day be reviewing the forestry study we'll be doing on Thursday. Here we're practicing finding the dbh of trees.

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Updated 6/29/10