Lichens as Bioindicators of Environmental Quality:
Air Quality in Virginia's Alleghany Highlands

Susan Wells Rollinson
AP Environmental Science classes, 2000-2002
Jackson River Governor's School
Dabney S. Lancaster Community College
Clifton Forge, Virginia 24422


Support for this work was provided by a mini-grant from the Virginia Environmental Endowment.

Underlying maps were created with Street Atlas USA and 3-D Topo Quads (both from Delorme). Lichen data was overlaid in Adobe PhotoShop.

All photographs were taken by Susan Rollinson or members of the Governor's School AP Environmental Science classes.

Introduction and References


Preliminary Phase (2000)

Fore Mountain (August 2001)

DSLCC Campus (November 2001)

Covington (January 2002)

Clifton Forge (January 2002)

Sulfur Springs Road, "Rose St. Hollow" (January 2002)

North Mountain (February 2002)

Roaring Run (February 2002)


Since this is work is unlikely to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, the author welcomes feedback!

Updated 2/25/02