Lichens as Bioindicators of Environmental Quality:
    Air Quality in Virginia's Alleghany Highlands

    Funded with a mini-grant from the Virginia Environmental Endowment
    Special thanks to Don Flenniken, our lichen expert/consultant

February 2002 Report

Revised Sampling Protocol:
    examine at least three trees at a site
        AVOID PINES! (not a good lichen substrate)
        AVOID DOGWOODS! (branch out too early--difficult to get dbh)
        minimum dbh: 25 cm
        open environment, if possible (single tree, or edge of forest)

Record Data:
    date, time, weather
    location (use GIS if possible)
        description of location
    tree species & dbh
    assess % coverage for crustose and foliose lichens
    are fruticose lichens present?

Collect specimens if possible
    Do not collect if you do not have permission from the landowner!
    Do not collect in state and national parks!!!!


0 Red   Very low coverage. Crustose only.
1 Red-Orange   Signifcant coverage. Crustose only.
2 Orange   Very low population of foliose.
3 Yellow   Abundant foliose coverage.
4 Green   Abundant foliose with occasional fruticose.
5 Dark Green   Plentiful population of fruticose lichens.

Data and Results
 February 2002

Photos of local lichens
    Lichen-covered Dogwood
    Lichen-covered Black Cherry
    Lichen Still-Life

    Fruticose Lichens

    Foliose Lichens
        Foliose, Gray 10x 60x
        Foliose, Gray
        Foliose, Green
        Foliose, Green

    Crustose Lichens
        Crustose, Yellow
        Crustose, "Tiled" 60x

We're "newbies" at lichen ID and collecting. If anyone would like to correct our information here, please contact Susan Rollinson!

Internet Links:
    See Internet page


Updated 2/25/02