The Great Snows of 2009-2010
The Snows just keep on coming. Starting with 20 inches on December 18-19
through more snows in January and February, this is a year for the record
Somewhere under the snow is a chaise lounge and a firepit.
And somewhere under here is a Prius.
Dakota had a good time, but found it a challenge to leave an established
Skis and snowshoes were the best way to travel.
Lon skiing to work as captured on our wildlife camera.
And when it starts to melt, the rain chains turn into thick icicles.
As the winter wore on (and on and on ...), we had two more challenges.
First -- energy. Our propane tank was critically low by the end of January,
so we turned down the thermostat to emergency levels and started relying
exclusively on wood to heat our living space. Our supply of firewood at
the house was plentiful in December, but by February, we needed to use
a kid's sled to haul more wood from our woodyard to the house.
Second, sometime between Feb. 14 and Feb. 19, strong winds worked the
solar panels off their pivot mount. At this stage, we could still make
power, but ...
But the next week, continued winds fully trashed the array. Fortunately,
they were repaired in March.
Susan Wells Rollinson
Renovated October 2019. Updated 8/9/10.